Writing queerly

Queer writing creates spaces for thinking about gender diversity and lgbtiaq* living realities. Queer writing becomes intersectional when queerness is embedded in the critique of binarity and of identity as demarcation and exclusion. Above all, however, queer writing means queering. And queering is a process that interrupts the violence inherent in normality. Queering is a […]

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Queer Theory – Queer_Pedagogy

New publication 2024 An introduction to queer theory by Antke A. Engel. Queer theory is explained in a accessible way, yet, without losing sight of complexities and controversies. What’s special: Excerpts of the three experimental video introductions to queer theory (Engel/filmfetch 2021) can be accessed via QR code while reading the book, and guide the reader through the text.

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Queering Audibility

11 April, 2024, 8 pm, Lettrétage, Berlin-Mitte (DE / EN / DGS / with sign language interpretation). Hearing and Deaf performance art exploring their encounter A a collaboration develops between deaf performance artist Eyk Kauly and the hearing sound artists HYENAZ (Kate Fischer and Adrienne Teicher). Together they explore through sound, signs, and performance how conditions of audibility can be challenged.

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self-determination 2.0

On 12 November 2023, the SBSG group “Selbstbestimmung selbst gemacht” (“Self-determination done yourself”) published an alternative draft for a self-determination law – egalitarian, for all, against coercion, convinced of the sexual maturity of all people. As the government draft of the self-determination law, which was approved by the Bundestag on 12.04.24, has various snags, there will be a federal conference for self-determination from 30.05.-02.06.24 in Berlin under the title QUEEROKRATIA.

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