current and upcoming

Queering Audibility

11 April, 2024, 8 pm, Lettrétage, Berlin-Mitte (DE / EN / DGS / with sign language interpretation). Hearing and Deaf performance art exploring their encounter A a collaboration develops between deaf performance artist Eyk Kauly and the hearing sound artists HYENAZ (Kate Fischer and Adrienne Teicher). Together they explore through sound, signs, and performance how conditions of audibility can be challenged.

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self-determination 2.0

On 12 November 2023, the SBSG group “Selbstbestimmung selbst gemacht” (“Self-determination done yourself”) published an alternative draft for a self-determination law – egalitarian, for all, against coercion, convinced of the sexual maturity of all people. As the government draft of the self-determination law, which was approved by the Bundestag on 12.04.24, has various snags, there will be a federal conference for self-determination from 30.05.-02.06.24 in Berlin under the title QUEEROKRATIA.

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Collective Editing

Sept. 9 and Oct. 22, 2023 (2-7 pm) preparing the articles and developing the layout of The Multilingual Issue. Two workshops that are part of the series “Queer Multilinguality and Embodied Speech”.

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Planetary Pluralism

Presentation and discussion by and with Antke A. Engel
Wed August 23, 2023, 4-6pm CET, online
Planetary pluralism is a form of pluralism that supports cohabitation of all non/human and more-than-human beings, while following a denormalizing, yet egalitarian perspective of trans*versal justice.

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Poetic Transitions

Workshop 4 of the series Queere Multilingualities and Embodied Speech, June 29, 2023, 5-8 pm, Vienna. With Chaka Collective (Claudia Frikh-Khar, Nina Höchtl, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt), performance artist Pêdra Costa and author and scholar Daniela Rodríguez.

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The membra(I)ne as a Translation Device

workshop during the conference membra(I)nes, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle & Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, June 15-17, 2023
The artist Ančan Daučíková will be present with their video Talking to You, 2021. With reference to this as well as two other, text-based materials we will explore in the workshop how the figure of the membrane contributes to understanding translation processes. What does this mean for the concrete challenges of translating queer_ness, or for handling norms? Is it of interest that membra(I)nes refer simultaneously to g´human and machinic translation as well as a cyborgian version of both?

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