Trans*, inter* and non_binary people act together under the acronym TIN* to fight against the constraints of the binary gender order. The asterisk* signals that this is not meant to create a new pigeonhole, but rather open categories and political identities. Within the iQt, however, there is also a discussion about whether gender categories are needed at all. Whether a sex_gender-free society is conceivable or desirable? And what would be gained if gender were abolished, at least as a category of legal regulation? What can state action look like that fights discrimination based on gender and sexuality, but at the same time avoids gender attributions? What can be done on the part of the state, educational institutions, medicine and the law to enable people to break free from restrictive gender expectations and to recognise and live gender diversity?
Activism under the heading “non-binary” thus reaches further than the struggle for gender and sexual self-determination. The focus is not on gender identities but on social relations and resistance against a heteronormative, patriarchal two-gender order. The utopia of a farewell to bisexuality is linked to the possibility of breaking free from the norms and constraints of the order set in motion at birth and internalised and embodied in the course of life.
Naming policies of the Berlin Neukölln registry office
Critical comment by Antkek Engel and Finn Scholle on the restrictions imposed by some civil registration offices in Germany concerning the implantation of the gender self-determination law (SGBB).
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