april / may 2007 – a hybrid mixture of various events
Sexual politics are highly controversial and impact social, political, and legal conflicts – abortion, HIV/Aids prevention and medical care, lesbian and gay parenting and adoption rights, drag king shows, the so-called homo memorials in Vienna and Berlin, or struggles to acknowledge the medical treatment of intersexual persons as a human rights violation are just a few current examples. What is the role of media and cultural representation as well as the arts in upholding as well as transgressing hegemonic knowledge and habits?
Sexual Politics, Torture, and Secular Time
May 18, 2007, University of Hamburg
Judith Butler (UC Berkeley, California)
> read more
Queer, Sexual Politics and the Human Rights Discourse
Workshop May 19, 2007
Behauptungen ausstellen :: Haltungen einnehmen :: Strike a pose!
art exhibition, Bildwechsel, Hamburg, April 16 – 30, 2007
curated by Chris Regn (galerie broll / bildwechsel)
The art exhibition enquires into the production of a binary gender order, its inherent violence, and productive failures.
Doing Queer Art
Workshop preceding the exhibition, Galerie Helga Broll, April 27-29, 2007
(in german)
The workshop preceding the exhibition „Behauptungen aufstellen :: Haltungen einnehmen :: Strike a pose!“ invites artist to develop collaborative practices in designing the exhibition space and develop a concept that engages the public.
Feeling trousers
film screening, Metropolis Kino, Hamburg, 12. Mai 2007
Virile women and various masculinities on film and video. We show a variety of topics, narrations, emotions, and moralities that are moving us.
Evi Nic und C, Bounty und Band
Queer Monday, May 14, 2007
In co-operation with
Susanne Krasmann (PD/ senior lecturer Institute for Criminological Social Studies, University of Hamburg), Chris Regn (galerie broll / bildwechsel) and
Stefanie Bentrup, Wiebke Frieß, Do. Gerbig, Claudia Jachnik, Janna Joke Janssen, Janina Johannsen, Melani Klaric´, Karin Kröll.
Continuing the project „Queer and the Human Rights Discourse” (October 2006 – March 2007).
Funded by Frauenförderung der Universität Hamburg, Gemeinsame Kommission Frauenstudien/Frauenforschung, Umdenken. Politisches Bildungswerk der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Hamburg e.V. (www.umdenken-boell.de), and private donors.