Transdisciplinary, intersectional studies
- sex/gender and sexuality as categories of the formation of subjectivities, social relations, cultural imaginaries and symbolic representations as well as social discourses, practices, and institutions
- intersections of sex/gender and sexuality, particularly in their overlap with other categories of social differentiation and hierarchization
- critical epistemologies and histories of knowledge production
- developing transdisciplinary and multi-media apporaches
Bodies, subjectivitis, relationalities
- critique of identity categories and identity formation, aiming at new forms of subjectivity, difference, and alterity
- embodied subjectivity and the normative binary sex/gender order
- Transgender und Intersex
- Queer assemblages
Politics and International Relations
- socio-cultural and geo-political significance of normative heterosexuality and the sex/gender binary and its historical continuities and changes
- sexual politics of the state, of public institutions, organizations, parties, of social movements as well as subcultural interventions
- critique of heteronormativity as a form of queer, intersectional critique of domination
- modes of political organization: democracy, citizenship, participation, social dissent, hegemonic consensus in societies, which encourage or discourage a plurality of sex/genders and sexualities
Politics and International Relations
- interrelations of sexuality and economy under conditions of neoliberalism and globalization
- alternative, sustainable, collective, communal economies
- economies of queer sociality
- queering care work and care chains
Art, media, and culture
- media and media critique
- academic, cultural and artistic representations of sex/gender and sexuality
- development of transdisciplinary, multi-media approaches
- queer aesthetics
- art as queer politics / queer politics as art