Nikita Dhawan, talk and discussion
Thursday, 25 January 2018, 7 pm
aquarium (Südblock), Skalitzer Str. 6, Berlin-Kreuzberg, U-Kottbusser Tor
talk in German; discussion German/English
Should hate speech be protected as free speech? Or should it be criminalized? In her talk on language, power and violence Nikita Dhawan adresses the question if and when certain forms of hate speech should be proscribed and how is this different to censorship.
Nikita Dhawan is Professor of Political Theory and Gender Studies and Director of the Research Platform Gender Studies at the University of Innsbruck. Her work combines perspectives from queer and postcolonial studies to formulate decolonial queer theory. She has written on the politics of silence (Impossible Speech, 2007) and co-authored the critical introduction „Postcolonial Theory“.
Talk and discussion are part of the series When does it become violence?