Antke Engel (director):
Ramona Funke (administration):
Institute for Queer Theory
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
d- 10243 Berlin
++49 (0) 30 / 420 98 607 (preferably Wed afternoons)
c/o Bildwechsel
Kirchenallee 25
d- 20099 Hamburg
The Institute for Queer Theory is run by the association Gender/Queer e.V., registered as charitable association at Amtsgericht Berlin-Carlottenburg: VR 31004 B.
Legal representation: Dr. Antke Engel, Ulrike Haase, Kallia Kefala, Dr. Goda Klumbyte, Jenn Stoll
Responsible for the contents of this site according to § 6 MDStV:
Dr. Antke Engel: mail(at)
Logo and graphic: Anne Heinrich
Web design: Ins A Kromminga
subscribe to the newsletter: queer-news(at)
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