Ana Hoffner, artist and author, and in 2017/2018 DOC fellow of the Austrian Academy of Science. Her book „The Queerness of Memory“ has been published by b_books Berlin (2018).
Angie Tsaros, organizer of Femme Hive, Berlin
Anja Michaelsen, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaftlerin, The Subtle Racializations of Sexuality 2012, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Bini Adamczak is an unstable alliance of everyday reproduction modes, unwanted heritages and quarrelsome spectres, such as deconstructivist feminisms and the orthodox critique of value. Author, artist, and performer from Kreuzberg.
Christoph Holzhey, ICI Berlin, Kooperationspartner: Desiring Just Economies / Just Economies of Desire, The Subtle Racialization of Sexuality, Desire’s Multiplicity and Serendipity, et al.
Do. Gerbig, AG Queer Studies Hamburg, sociologist (Dipl.Soz.) & captioner, #Workshop-Cooperation-Friendship-Support-Hamburg-Crew-Fangirl#
Eva von Redecker, Humboldt University Berlin, philosopher, hostess, gardener
Jess Dorrance, writer, curator, activist, and PhD student at UC Berkeley, intersecting visual culture and feminist, anti-racist, and queer politics, co-organizer of Bossing Images, assistant to the director since 2008.
Johanna Schaffer, Theory & Practice of Visual Communication, Art Academy Kassel,
Jule Jakob Govrin, PhD student at the F. W. G. Schlegel Graduate School, Freie Unversität Berlin, and assistent to the director from 2013-2016. She collaborated in conceptualizing and organizing Desire’s Multiplicity and Serendipity.
Katerina Kolarova, Assistant Professor for Cultural Studies at the Department of Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Charles University in Prague
Katrin Köppert, Queer_Affect_Media_Theory, AG Queer/ing Visual Culture, Postdoc Academy of Art and Industrial Design Linz,
Kathy-Ann Tan is Fonte Foundation guest professor at the Institute of English and American Studies, Humboldt University Berlin. Her research intersts are: North American literatures and cultures, postcolonial studies, citizenship studies, gender and queer studies, decolonial aesthetics, poetry and poetics.
Mari Mikkola, Philosophin, SWIP Germany e.V., Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Markues, visual artist, AG Queering Visual Cultures,
Mathias Danbolt, art theorist and queer critic, Visual Desires. Queer perspectives in art, visual culture and media studies, 2010,
Renate Lorenz, artist and Professor of Art in the program PhD in Practice at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna,
Susanne Lummerding, Media Studies / Coaching (Berlin / Wien),
Sushila Mesquita, Gender Research Office, University of Vienna, teaches postcolonial/ queer theories at different universities and is involved with anti-racist, queerfeminist and pop-cultural relations and projects.
Ulrike Kloeppel, Forschungen zu Geschlechtergeschichte, Queer History, Inter*, Trans*; Beirat Internationale Vereinigung Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen/deutsche Sektion OII
Urmila Goel, und
Volker Woltersdorff, aka Lore Logorrhöe is an independent queer theorist and organic farmer. He works on sadomasochism, subcultural aesthetics, and the intersectional analysis of heteronormativity and capitalism.
Wibke Straube, is a Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies in Karlstad University, Sweden. Their research interest focusses on transgender studies, queer studies, affect theory and environmental humanities research.