Neoliberal discourses proclaim that free market access guarantees individual freedom and self-determination. Furthermore, the label of diversity promises to finally recognize formerly excluded differences. At the same time, neoliberal forms of liberalization domesticate, commercialize, and normalize difference. Gay and lesbian ways of living provide just one of many examples in this context. Institutionalized politics that postulate integration and use rhetoric of tolerance go hand in hand with the creation of new consumer subjectivities. So-called pink economy and creative industries discover sexual identity as an economic factor. At the same time, the precarization of jobs requires the labour force to deploy difference as cultural capital, hence to market one’s “otherness” and to perform it in accordance with existing stereotypes.
Neoliberal discourses proclaim that free market access guarantees individual freedom and self-determination. Furthermore, the label of diversity promises to finally recognize formerly excluded differences. At the same time, neoliberal forms of liberalization domesticate, commercialize, and normalize difference. Gay and lesbian ways of living provide just one of many examples in this context. Institutionalized politics that postulate integration and use rhetoric of tolerance go hand in hand with the creation of new consumer subjectivities. So-called pink economy and creative industries discover sexual identity as an economic factor. At the same time, the precarization of jobs requires the labour force to deploy difference as cultural capital, hence to market one’s “otherness” and to perform it in accordance with existing stereotypes.
Do these developments indicate that queer politics got integrated into the societal mainstream of neoliberal market logics, and thus lost their radical grip? Does “homonormativity” (Lisa Duggan) complement heteronormativity in securing the capitalist economy? Or are there queer positions that contribute to inventing alternative economies, which foster sexual and social justice simultaneously?
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