12th Gender Studies Association’s Annual Conference

Grafik: Sophia Krayc, Lea Szramek, Hannah Witte
Booklet of the Program (incl. abstracts and bios) for download as pdf (version: June 06,2023)
Program overview for download as pdf (version: June 06, 2023)
LINK to the program with German Sign Language (DGS) interpretation slots DE/DGS + EN/DGS
and an introductory DGS video (by Inna Shparber and Matthias Ranner, funded by Aktion Mensch) and a video teaser about Queer Ping Pong (Yeşim Duman). An intervention called “Empowering Universities: Fighting Racism and Discrimination” is facilitated by Gender/Queer e.V., funded by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. The final report “Sachbericht Empowernde Hochschule Gender-Queer eV 10-10-2023” (in German) can be downloaded here as pdf. Also in German a padlet documenting and reflecting on Empowering Universities.
English: not all panels will be in English, but plenty
Online: not all panels will be accessible online, but plenty
June 15–17, 2023
HGB Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle
Organized by Yeşim Duman, Antke Antek Engel, Susanne Huber, Katrin Köppert, Isabel Lewis, Friederike Nastold, Lars Paschke
With contributions by Hongwei Bao, micha cárdenas, Ančan Daučíková, Heather Davis, Lou Drago, Kara Keeling, Okan Kubus, Sabine Mohamed, Helen Pritchard, Rahul Rao, Karen Tongson, Jeremy Wade, Alexander Ghedi Weheliye, Lissy Willberg, HGB Radio×Isabel Lewis, and many more
Various slots on decolonizing Gender Studies and a panel on Eastern German perspectives.
karaoke, concert, performance, and art
German Sign Language (DGS) and Engl.-German translation (optional).
Awareness concept by Sara Bahadori und Vanessa Fuguero,
and a conference buddies system.
Between cities, political systems, and academic spaces/norms.
Capturing sensorial, affective, technological, media-cultural, performative, and artistic dimensions.
In presence and digital.
Awareness flyer and Code of Conduct (both in German)
Every living being comes with cell membranes. The membrane represents a common feature of unicellular organisms, plants, and human and non-human animals. Can the concept of the membrane therefore help us overcome anthropocentric thinking? And if so, how does it allow to address hierarchies and power imbalances among humans? Can it mobilize decolonial critiques of a posthumanist discourse as a model to thinking in gender studies and feminist science and technology studies? Will a queer understanding of desire or a Black feminist understanding of eroticism help us to draw new, unexpected connections between these relationships and environments? Regarding the materiality of membranes, we are confronted with questions of sustainability, not only in artistic practice, but in everyday life, too. In dealing with clothing, packaging, and all other envelopes (cars, airplane cabins) whose porosity in the sense of their evaporation or microplastic contamination is constitutive for climate change, the membrane is present.
Taking these topics and questions as a starting point, the conference explores the potential of the membrane as a concept-metaphor or model in scholarly and artistic investigations, It opens up intersectional and transdisciplinary approaches, pursues them in an experimental way, and invites discussions – within the Gender Studies Association, the civic public of Leipzig, Halle, and internationally. Urgent questions about decolonizing Gender Studies will be raised. Addressing power inequalities and structural domination, as they are taking hold also at universities and art academies, the conference will be supported by an awareness team as well as translations (Engl.-German) and German Sign Language Interpreting (DGS).
membra(I)nes is the first Gender Studies Association’s conference taking place at art institutions and in Eastern Germany. It will work upon borders, in between cities, political systems, and academic norms. A Round Table on the East/West divide will close the conference. Performances, workshops, art exhibitions, radio, and a concert provide a public program that surrounds and and pervades the conference and includes impacts the cities and regions.
The full program, including information on registration, you find here:
or here: https://www.burg-halle.de/hochschule/hochschulkultur/membraines/
Travel cost support will be available for BIPoCs or participants with low income or facing structural discrimination. Please apply through the registration form.
Call for Contributions (Nov. 2022) as pdf: CfC_membra(I)nes_Jahrestagung_FG Gender_2023.engl
12th Gender Studies Association’s Annual Conference //
12. Jahrestagung der FG Fachgesellschaft Gender Studies
Organizing and funding instutions:
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig // Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig
Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle // University of Art and Design Halle
Institute for Queer Theory Berlin
University of Oldenburg
Further funders:
Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

For Awareness and Accessibilty:
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung // Federal Agency for Civic Education

An intervention called “Empowering Universities: Fighting Racism and Discrimination” is facilitated by Gender/Queer e.V., funded by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Gender/Queer e.V.

For the workshop The Membra(I)ne as a translation device // Membranisches Übersetzen: