publication on 10 years of Institute for Queer Theory
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Lust an Komplexität und Irritation
Pleasures of Complexity and Confusion
10 Jahre Institut für Queer Theory
10 Years Institute for Queer Theory
Antke Engel, Jule Jakob Govrin, Eva von Redecker (eds.)
Berlin, 2016 (96 pages)
Copyright: Gender/Queer e.V. (Berlin)
ISBN 978-3-00-053141-5
€ 8,- (€ 10,- incl. postage)
please order at: mail(at)
Or download the booklet as pdf: 10 years iQt
For a first reading impression (lacking the visual pleasures of Laura Maikowsky’s marvellous layout) a 2-pages > pdf
The institute’s work is defined by taking pleasure in complexity, confusion, and controversy. Its overarching concern is a critical reflection on both the binary order of gender as well as heterosexual dominance. Its focus is on dismantling hierarchic, exclusionary, and normalizing modes of organizing gender and sexuality, without losing sight of how different power structures interweave with (and amongst) each other.
Queer politics works within the paradoxical tension between fighting difference as a construction of inequality and fostering difference as uniqueness. The goal, however, is to promote non-hierarchic differences and to find an equally respectful and empowering way of interacting with asymmetries and the ineluctable otherness of others.