Civil status: diverse – Rethinking Gender Equality

Thu 25 June, 2020 (12 – 6pm), FernUni Hagen and online

1-day conference (in German) on the reform of the German Civil Status Law and the effectof the new gender entry “diverse” on gender equality politics and policies.

Organized by the Gender Equality Team of FernUniversity Hagen in collaboration with professor Katharina Walgenbach and guest professor Antke Engel

Contributors: Susanne Baer (German Constitutional Court), Adrian de Silva, Antke Engel, RyLee Hühne, Kirsten Pinkvoss, Noah Rieser, Pasquale Virginie Rotter  

related event: 22 January, 2020 (aquarium, Südblock, Berlin-Kreuzberg):
Gender Equality – non-binary and intersectional?! (in German)
> more
