series of events, hamburg, october 2006 – march 2007
in cooperation with AG 1-0-1 intersex (Berlin), AG Queer Studies (Uni Hamburg), and Geschlechtermultiplikator_innen (Bremen).
LGBTIQ*-movements, like feminist movements, are fighting for human rights. Informal groups, international organizations, and activists from the Global South posit ‘sexual human rights’ using the concept of dignity as well as the legal claim to sexual freedom and integrity. At the same time, the critique of the human rights discourse points to Western values, Eurocentrism, and androcentric conceptions of the human. Queer theory sharpened this critique. Does this critique lead to renouncing the human rights discourse? Or does the discourse provide special opportunities to bring charges against violations and fight violence?
Transgender and Intersexuality. Political Alliances und Controversies
seminar, uni hamburg, winter 06/07 (in german)
Ulrike Klöppel (Dipl. Psychologin, Wissenschaftliche MA Medizingeschichte Charité Berlin)
Ulrike Hennecke (Dipl. Kulturwissenschaftlerin)
Queer Theory, Activist Movements, and the Human Rights Discourse
seminar, uni hamburg, winter 06/07 (in german)
Antke Engel (Dr. Phil., Institut für Queer Theory)
Visualizing Strategies. Potentials and Conflicts of Intersex und Transgender
Ulrike Hennecke und Ulrike Klöppel
wed 01 november, 2006, 7pm, Von-Melle-Park 6, lecture hall F, Uni Hamburg
‘The Subject’ and the Politics of Philosophy in Feminist Theory
Tuija Pulkkinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finnland)
december 12, 2006, 7pm, Von-Melle-Park 6, lecture hall F, Uni Hamburg
lecture as part of the lecture series “Jenseits der Geschlechtergrenzen”
The theme of “the subject” has kept its central place in feminist theory for a while, and it shows no signs of disappearing. In multiple meanings, contexts and contents the term “subject” has appeared, disappeared, and reappeared in the exchange of texts. This paper explores these multiple meanings through an analysis of the politics of philosophy at play in Adriana Cavarero’s recent book, For More than One Voice, which is contrasted to the politics played by Judith Butler in her work on the subject. I suggest that tricky politics are performed by these two contemporary thinkers. I would observe that, paradoxically, Butler, who incessantly talks of “the subject”, plays the politics of erasing the notion of “the human subject” in philosophy, whereas Cavarero, who fervently denounces the notion, is taking part in the politics of the return of the Subject to philosophy.
Until here, but no step further? Intersex- und Transgender Movement in Dialogue
Jannik Franzen, InsAKrominga, Moderation: Ulrike Klöppel
Januray 10, 2007, 7pm, Von-Melle-Park 6, lecture hall F, Uni Hamburg
talk and discussion as part of the lecture series “Jenseits der Geschlechtergrenzen” (in german)