Workshop in English, German, and German Sign Language (DGS) contributing to
The Multilingual Issue:
untranslatability, linguistic multiplicities, embodied speech
Wed 21 December, 2022, 1:30 – 4pm
Please register: mail (at)
This workshop with Martin*a Vahemaee-Zierold, Maria Knopf, Rubia Salgado, Grace Samboh und Ančan Daučíková will explore language as embodied speech. Which possibilities arise when non-binary genders and queer ways of existence are articulated in the multilingual registers of the poetic, through gestures , sign language, and mimic? Is there a queer slang of the body?
Results of this workshops will find their way into an issue of InterAlia: A Journal of Queer Studies titled The Multilingual Issue: untranslatability, linguistic multitudes, embodied speech (CfC in English).
DGS (German Sign Language) interpretation
of this event is funded by the LSBTI Inclusion Fonds in Berlin: