Queere Ästhetik

Samstag 24. Oktober 2015, Berlin Kreuzberg

© Ismael Ogando

© Ismael Ogando

Workshop with Antke Engel and Ismael Ogando,

and special guest Nic Kay (Chicago)
presenting an excerpt from and talking about their work on the performance
lil BLK

Queer Aesthetics

Was macht das Queere queerer Ästhetik aus? Zeigt sie bestimmte Effekte? Nimmt sie bestimmte Formen an? Erwächst sie aus bestimmten künstlerischen Strategien? Wie verknüpfen sich Politik und Ästhetik? Anhand kurzer, provokativer Zitate und einer Auswahl künstlerischer Arbeiten inszeniert der Workshop einen Polylog zwischen Teilnehmenden und dem audio-visuell-intellektuell-affektivem Material. Wie entstehen Möglichkeiten, mittels kultureller Politiken in rassistische, sexistische, körper- und heteronormative sowie okzidentalistische Strukturen einzugreifen? Was heißt es, Gewaltgeschichten umzuarbeiten und Zukünftigkeit zu eröffnen?

For the workshop we bring short, inspiring, provocative quotes on queer aesthetics by thinkers of diverse backgrounds as well as a variety of (audio-) visual material. While initiating a dialogue between the artistic and the theoretical approaches, we invite you, the participants, to engage with each other, with us as well as the material. Taking seriously the agency of art and theory we wish to collectively develop and discuss about understandings of queer audio-visual culture and its potential to intervene in a complexity of racist, sexist, heteronormative, ableist, and occidentalist structures. What does it mean, to rewrite violent histories and to invent futures from multiple and diverse queer perspectives?

lil BLK

is an experimental solo performance. Influenced by New York City gay/queer ballroom culture, live punk shows, butoh and praise dance, lil BLK is a story about a fairy boi, child of god, little black girl, performer, and activist. The story plays out through a series of biographical moments that are equal parts narrative and dream. Wrestling with the desire to be seen in a society hell bent on controlling and crushing the black feminine body + spirit,
lil BLK aims to subvert these constraints and offers an unfettered representation of this experience. Through the exploration of theatrical form, NIC Kay highlights these desires and the traps of being a black performer searching for freedom on the stage and in a beat.


Nic Kay. Transdisciplinary artist obsessed with the act and process of moving, the change of place, position, and the clarity/meaning gleaned from said activity. Born and raised in The Bronx, New York, NIC graduated from Professional Performing Artist School in 2007 and was a Hemispheric Institute EMERGENYC Fellow in 2009. Now residing in Chicago, they are a founding member of 3rd Language, queer arts collective. NIC is currently in Residence at Links Hall.

Ismael Ogando. Born in Dominican Republic, studiedVisual Arts and Social Psychology at Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo. Works in media,journalism, archives and as culturalmanager. Currently is based inBerlin, working as editor-in-chieffor GROUND.

Antke Engel. Director of the Institute for Queer Theory, Berlin. Works on queer visual culture, feminist philosophy, and cultural politics.

> Queer Aesthetics WS 2015

Samstag 24. Oktober 2015
(in Englisch; Beiträge in anderen Sprachen sind willkommen)
Workshop 15.00 – 18.00
(bitte anmelden: mail@queer-institut.de)
Performance 18.30 – 19.30 (in English)
Meet & Greet 19.30 – 21.00

Werkstatt Adalbertstr. 71, Hinterhof
U-Kottbusser Damm, Berlin-Kreuzberg

Teil der Reihe neokoloniale Verhältnisse herausfordern.
Veranstaltet vom Institut für Queer Theory.
Gefördert von der Amadeu Antonio Stiftung.
