Vortrag, 1. Dezember 2006, Universität Hamburg
Tulja Pulkkinnen untersucht die Stellung des Subjekts in feministischer Theorie. Indem sie die Politiken der Philosophie analysiert, zeigt sie die multiplen Bedeutungen des Subjektbegriffs im Spannungsfeld der Schriften von Adriana Cavarero und Judith Butler auf.
The theme of “the subject” has kept its central place in feminist theory for a while, and it shows no signs of disappearing. In multiple meanings, contexts and contents the term “subject” has appeared, disappeared, and reappeared in the exchange of texts. This paper explores these multiple meanings through an analysis of the politics of philosophy at play in Adriana Cavarero’s recent book, For More than One Voice, which is contrasted to the politics played by Judith Butler in her work on the subject. I suggest that tricky politics are performed by these two contemporary thinkers. I would observe that, paradoxically, Butler, who incessantly talks of “the subject”, plays the politics of erasing the notion of “the human subject” in philosophy, whereas Cavarero, who fervently denounces the notion, is taking part in the politics of the return of the Subject to philosophy.
Tuija Pulkkinen ist Philosophin und Professorin für Women’s Studies an der
Universität Jyväskylä, Finnland.
Der Vortrag findet in Kooperation mit der AG Queer Studies im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung “Jenseits der Geschlechtergrenzen” statt.
Fr 01.12.2006, 19.00, Von-Melle-Park 6, Hörsaal F, Universität Hamburg